Seminar – training Turning point


We live in a society with a lot of people who choose a destructive lifestyle. Our communities and our churches are full of people who are suffering and looking for answers. Often there is no ministry in the Church that can tackle these challenges. The Turning Point is a non-profit Christian ministry with the goal of helping the Church to reach out to people who face life-controlling problems.


Every problem that controls and rules our lives and prevents us from growing spiritually is a life-controlling problem. Some call this addiction, some compulsive behavior, etc. In 2 Corinthians 10:4 the Apostle Paul calls this a stronghold. Substance Abuse (alcohol, or narcotic addictions, eating disorders, etc.) Destructive Behavior (pornography, gambling, kleptomania, uncontrollable spending, etc.) Relational Disorders (destructive feelings, anger, rage, fear, domestic abuse) This seminar will enable the church to start this type of ministry. The ministry of Turning Point focuses on all church members for their emotional maturity as well as those outside the church: institutions, families, organizations and individuals. It includes aspects of evangelism, counseling and discipleship. It focuses on how to live a practical Christian live in the family, church and society.

15.6.2019., Saturday from 9am to 7pm

lunch break from 2pm to 3pm

Materials 10 KM

Lunch participation 5 KM

This seminar is for pastors, leaders and those who pastors send as people who could lead this ministry at church. Also it is for all parachurch organisations that work with youth or people in need.

Speaker is pastor Jonatan Vlaisavljević, director of Teen Challenge Macedonija and representative for Living Free Balkan.

Seminar and book promotion

It is our joy to announce that we are hosting the seminar planned for 2020


participation 35 KM

David now gives his main attention to leading the Newfrontiers Together team which leads and facilitates what Newfrontiers continues to do together through collaboration and interdependence between apostolic leaders.

Part of David’s role in international ministry has caused him to study how we send people into different cultures and contexts and as a result he has developed teaching on a range of cultural and contextualisation issues which he presents training on frequently and he is also seeking to coach and develop many other embryonic apostolic ministries around the world. David also represents Newfrontiers to other apostolic networks and movements with whom we have good and fruitful relationships

Before working in Christian ministry, David worked as a civil servant for the British Government in international trade negotiations and one of the highlights of this job included being part of the first United Nations working party on the debt problems of developing countries.

A unique book addressing the biblical requirement for apostles and their role in shaping todays church in fathering leaders and motivating mission. One of the sad factors of church life is that many pastors are lonely and their heart cry is for a fathering style of relationship, where they can be cared for pastorally, as well as mentored in the development of gifts and practical skills for their ministry.


Friday 18.11.2022.

18:00 – 1. session

Saturday 19.11.2022.

10:00 – 2. session, discussion panel (Q&A)

13:00 – lunch

15:00 – 3. session, discussion panel (Q&A)

18h – end

Love, hope, faith

Nick Vujičić, a world-renown inspirational speaker, gave a message of love, hope, and faith to over 1600 people in Mostar, not to mention thousands more in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, in addition to Livestream and media interviews. Nick, who was born without arms or legs, talked about his struggles as well as his victories and he was very direct in sharing the Gospel. We are thrilled with joy that as Evangelical Bible Institute we were one of the organisers for the event. You can watch the recording of the event in Mostar on YouTube.

Biblical Communications Course

Course description:

The course is designed to teach participants how to prepare and deliver messages and Bible studies for small and large groups. Practice of the principles taught is an integral part of the course.


Course goals:

o   To learn how to teach the truths of God’s word in ways that lead to changed lives.

o   To learn how to be a more effective communicator in various ministry situations.


Specific objectives:

By the end of the course, the student will be able to:

1)  Identify and understand the significance of the components of the process of communication.

2)  Develop messages and effectively deliver them to an audience.

3)  Demonstrate an ability to speak with helpful delivery.

4)  Gain confidence in the process of building and giving messages.


Participant Requirements:

1) Have at least a rudimentary knowledge of studying/interpreting the Bible, since people need to be able to do that before they can speak/teach from the Bible.

2) Understand that the key component of the course is preparing and giving messages to the group (or a smaller subset of the whole group) during the week. So it is not the kind of class that someone could just sit in on and not to any outside work on. (I mean, I guess they COULD, but it wouldn’t be very helpful either to them or to the rest of the class.) The course is very participatory, not just sitting and taking notes.



The course will be taught in English and we can provide translation as necessary.  Small groups for preparing and giving messages can be done in either English or Bosnian, as long as we have 4-5 people in each group.



The standard load of course work is 1 hour outside of class for every hour in class, so 20 hours in class and 20 hours outside class.

There is no necessary pre-course work. The first assignment has the possibility/suggestion of basing a talk on a portion of CRU’s Transferable Concepts material. So if someone would LIKE to get ahead, they could choose and read through 1 of the TCs ahead of time.



Professor Gary Rickard earned his Masters degree from Denver Seminary and has been teaching in Eastern Europe for Campus Crusade’s Institute of Biblical Studies program since 2005. He currently lives in Budapest, Hungary.

Price: 40 KM



Cross on the hill

We invite you to a special event at the Evangelical Bible Institute – a presentation of the book “Cross on a Hill”, with the authors Slavko Hadžić and Joshua Irby.

Saturday, 8.6.2019 at 11 a.m.

Check out the book on Amazon here

A devastating war, a burning cross, a crime network, and a victorious general—these are some of the many threads Hadžić and Irby weave together to clarify one of history’s most misunderstood symbols: the cross.

The authors interweave Hadžić’s story with that of the cross in a way that seeks to rescue the true meaning of the cross from its misrepresentations and misuses throughout history. The result is a compelling tapestry that illuminates the transformative power of one of the most complex and controversial symbols in today’s global community.
Check book on Amazon here